ok.... ermmm... have you ever seen a ghost?..
i mean the flesh(if they have any)
to me... ive never seen one..
but weird thing have been happening 2 me lately...
you know the phrase 'kene hempap'
well... ive been trough those things 3 times a row for 3 days..
(while im not asleep yet)
and it gives me the creeps...
people say.. when your being..sit on...
you'll be like hard to breath and the front side of your body wil feel heavy etc.
but according to my x periance.. i din't feel heavy at all..
it's starts when you realize ur feet kinda feels numb...
and the numbness travels upward to the hands and when it reaches the head...
u realize that ur mouth cant b opened...
then i'll get all frustrated of thinking did i not read my doa properly or did i miss anything when i did my doa..etc
then i'll do all those things tht u're like supposed to do... like zikr and all..
and the hardest thing 4 me to do at a time like tht...
screaming yassin out loud or allahuakbar etc..
and when my mouth can be opened a crack..
it'll be only a few seconds tht everythin will go away...
then i continue ma sleep...
i told my sis bout this... she said i may said the doa kinda wrong or sumthin..
im kinda aint wanna think bout tht anymore.. so i just let it be..
when i first had tht xperience.. i didnt really fight and all..
then a frend of mine
(i think shes a specialist in these kind of things)
said that i need to urge my self to do things etc..
so well i did.. thx ********** and k.lang..
thts all... hope u guys donthave the same prob as me